My daughter Brenna is 5. She is nonverbal and has classic Autism. The only person in my life that has conquered my stubbornness and patience issues. She's forever changed me, for the better!
My daughter, Kaylee, is a 7 year old going on 30. Independent, spirited, and displays signs of opposition defiant disorder aka stubborn. :) One day she will be a lawyer. Trust me. It's her calling.
My son Dylan is 11 and is a genius waiting for the right moment in time to be a part of something big or make something big happen. He is extremely bright.
My son Austin is a sensitive 13 year old who battles bi-polar disorder and adhd and does everything in his power to fit in and not get bullied.
My husband is a hard working man who is my go to source for venting my frustrations. He is an amazing father and my soft place to fall on when the day is too much for me.
I am a stay at home mom in my 30's trying to make sense of the world and of our life. My goal is to take the pieces of us and arrange them to where they make sense. I am strong, weak, honest, scared, hopeful, and I can be a royal pain in the butt.
Together we are a tight knit and strong family. Like a well oiled machine we are there for one another 100 percent. We also break down and need each other to help with repairs. Each of us represents something different and we fit together like a puzzle. Apart we are nothing. Put together we are something beautiful and at times tragic. It's a sight to behold!!
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