Thursday, April 26, 2012


Thursday.  The one day out of the week that my other daughter, Kaylee, wants my full and undivided attention for just one hour for dance.  Of course she asks for more than that one hour a week but sadly she knows the answer.  My son, Austin, has tennis.  My other son, Dylan, has nothing going on right now(bless him)but because Austin has tennis he and my husband don't get home until after I have left for dance.  So what's the problem?  I have to take Brenna with me and because it's too loud and crowded and not part of her normal routine I have to sit with her in the van...while she screams...for an hour.  Kaylee doesn't get to see her momma wave proudly as she walks from one studio to the other when they switch like all of the other girls do.  I'm not in there to watch her through the blinds.  I'm not there to pop in right when the class is ending to see what they have learned for the day.  Now, Kaylee is my little independent child who rarely needs anyone's help or approval.  As much as this causes friction between us it is also a blessing when it comes to certain things.  She is not clingy and can very much take care of herself in a basic capacity at the tender age of 7 if need be.  I know deep down though that this bothers her.  

It bothers me as well.

I can't give her one hour.  This is not okay.  She deserves an hour a week for it to be all about her.  Something has got to give.

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